Bariatric Weight Loss Services
At Cedar Park Regional Medical Center, we understand how challenging weight loss can be. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than one third of American adults are severely obese, increasing their risk for heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and certain cancers, and keeping them from an active and happy life.
We also know that it's never too late to take control. Our dedicated bariatric program offers proven solutions and compassionate support when traditional options haven't worked. Like other men and women we have helped, we are here to help you enjoy your own life-changing success.
Moriah's Weight Loss Journey
Patient results may vary. Consult your physician about the benefits and risks of any surgical procedure or treatment.
Cedar Park Regional Medical Center offers a multidisciplinary bariatric surgery program that is accredited as a Comprehensive Center by the American College of Surgeons' Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation and Quality Improvement Program (MBSAQIP). With accreditation, we demonstrate the optimal resources and quality outcomes in the care of morbidly obese patients.
Our program is supported by a dedicated team of medical professionals, including bariatric surgeons, dietitians and nurses. We also have a bariatric coordinator to help guide patients through the process with education and support. The team will help you to achieve your long-term health and weight loss goals.
Although bariatric surgery has shown to be an effective tool in weight loss, it's important for patients to remember that the surgery is only one part of the process. A successful outcome is dependent on the patient's commitment to long-term lifestyle change.
In a joint statement endorsed by 45 international professional organizations, diabetes clinicians and researchers are urging that metabolic (bariatric) surgery be recommended or considered as a treatment option for certain categories of people with diabetes, including those who are mildly obese and fail to respond to conventional treatment. Read the full statement here.
To learn more about minimally invasive weight loss surgery options or to talk with the bariatric surgery program director, call (512) 528-7317.