Wellness Services
What can you do to ensure your best possible health? Here are a few tips, as well as resources available, from Cedar Park Regional Medical Center.
Have a primary care physician
Did you know U.S. adults who have a primary care provider have 19% lower odds of premature death than those who only see specialists for their care.* Another interesting fact: people who have a primary care provider save an average of 33% on health care* over people who only see specialists. Both of these statistics can likely be attributed to the fact that through routine check-ups, primary care can address potentially serious diseases early when they're easier to treat and, in such cases as cancer, are easier to cure. Having a relationship with a primary care physician also helps keep people out of emergency rooms, where care generally costs significantly more than other outpatient care.
To find a primary care physician near where you live or work, just visit the physician practice site where you can even schedule an appointment online.
Have screenings that are recommended for you
If everyone in the U.S. had the recommended clinical preventive care and screenings, more than 100,000 lives could be saved each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Health screenings – or preventive health care – can help you stay healthier throughout your life. And, for many people, certain preventive health care is now free, with no copays or deductibles. Learn about the preventive care that you and your loved ones need and ask your healthcare provider what health care you need to stay healthy by visiting this page of the CDC's website. There's even a cool tool that will tell you exactly what's recommended for your age and gender!
Here's more information on some of the screenings and education provided by Cedar Park Regional Medical Center:
Cancer Screenings
Nutrition Consults – Registered dietitians at Cedar Park Regional Medical Center provide medical nutritional therapy.
Heart Health – If you have a history of heart disease or a family history of heart disease, cardiac calcium scoring is a simple and painless test to determine the degree of calcification in your heart.
Vaccinations – Check with your primary care physician. Find them at the practice site.
Be an educated consumer
Take advantage of the free programs offered by Cedar Park Regional Medical Center. Check out the calendar of events for upcoming programs. You can even search for the types of programs in which you have special interest. If you're age 50 or better, join the Senior Circle program to take advantage of programs designed just for you.
Following us on Facebook is another great way to stay up-to-date on the latest information, classes and physicians.
Stay fit – physically and mentally
Finally, did you know that volunteering can benefit your health? Researchers have attempted to measure the benefits that volunteers receive including that positive feeling referred to as "helper's high," increased trust in others, and increased social interaction. From lowering stress to boosting self-confidence, research has shown that volunteering offers many health benefits, especially for older adults. Visit the Volunteer Services page or call us to learn more about volunteering at Cedar Park Regional Medical Center.
*These facts are from a report by the National Coalition on Healthcare.